At whatever position we are, it’s very important for us to identify our natural self and be able to distinguish it from the pseudo self. The various roles that we play in our lives, quite often than not, puts us in a position, where we fail to find our true self. We just put a mask and try to satisfy people around us. But still, we cannot give assurance, that, we have made people happy. In this situation what we assure ourselves is that we stress ourselves to the point of extinction. Then the most important query, “Who am I?”, comes back in our thoughts and we are left with no answer.
If I am neither a daughter nor a son, not a wife or a husband, not a mother or a father, not a friend or a professional then “Who am I?”
For one, it seems that the answer is very easy. But, actually, when you start pondering on this question the answers that come up all describe the various roles that individuals play and does not define the individual per se. Then the first question that may strike an individual’s mind is “Whether there is any loss of identity?” If not, then why it is that we don’t find an answer. Are we afraid to do so? Because then so may things may show-up which we have never thought, did exist. This may bring forth many of our wants and desires which we were never aware of.
The answer definitely lies in the age-old adage, “Know thyself, thou wilt know the whole world”. Knowing oneself is setting yourself free to the beauties and challenges of the world.
Thus, an optimal performer is in the process of knowing oneself and an excellent performer knows oneself, better than many things around him.
Even though, one life is too small a time, to even know yourself; break the shackles, set free your natural-self and experience the fresh breath of freedom.
Best Wishes,
Ms. Ipsita C. Patranabis