In its simplest form, Murphy's Law states: If anything can go wrong, it will. However, as with many successful business theories, the original law has been extended over time to cover specialist areas, several of which are given below:
- Project Planning: If anything can go wrong, it will. Usually at the most inopportune time.
- Performance Management: If someone can get it wrong, they will.
- Risk Assessment: If several things can go wrong, the one you would LEAST like to happen will occur.
- Practical creativity: If you can think of four ways that something can go wrong, it will go wrong in a fifth way.
By applying Murphy's Law, and expecting the unexpected, you can remain in control throughout a week that would otherwise have proved to be very stressful. Try it yourself today!
Best wishes,
Prof. D. P. Chattopadhyay
(Globsyn Business School)
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